Chicago Chapter Report

Release Date

The Chicago chapter has 42 members. Our first program was “Bridging the American and Sikh Cultures.” Sikhism was founded in the 15th century and today there are 20 million followers in the world, with 80% living in Punjab, India. The word “Sikh” means disciple and they believe that everyone is equal in God’s eyes; therefore, they reject the caste system.

Akari Yamada presented “Ukiyo-e: Japan’s Floating World.” They depict the kabuki actors, courtesans and female entertainers (geishas) of the pleasure quarters of urban Japan. There was a demand for printed books and single sheet woodblock prints in the capital of Edo (modern Tokyo) as the rich merchant class grew. Traditional Ukiyo-e landscapes and portraits had a mayor impact on Western artists such as Van Gogh and Mary Cassatt. Frank Lloyd Wright’s architecture shows evidence of Japonisme.

Ada Kolmodin presented an excellent program on Korea and its People. Grace Chen McClone introduced a program called Reflexology, a self-help skills that promoted health and healing. Dr Fakhir Vorah discussed life in Malaysia during the 1950s and the changes since then. Margaret Roche shared her paintings of the time she spent in Badel, Nepal. Her paintings have become the illustrations for a wonderful book, A Balcony in Nepal.

Thanks to the never-ending support of our generous members we have increased the amount we give to our philanthropies, Oglala Lakota Indian College and Jyoti Children’s Fund.

We were saddened by the death of D.J.Yang, Akari Yamada’s son and Anita Yamada’s grandson. A memorial contribution was set to the National Tay-Sachs and Allied Diseases. William Buscombe, Royal Buscombe’s husband and longtime supporter of PPSEAWA, also passed away. A memorial contribution was sent to World Sharing of Resources at Evanston Friends Meeting House.