Queens Road, Lami Suva, Fiji Islands
Tel:+679-336-2450, Fax:+679-336-2455
Accommodation Rates
- F$170.00 full buffet breakfast for 1 adult (single)
- F$190.00 full buffet breakfast for 2 adults (twin share)
Booking arrangements for Novotel Hotel
All accommodation booking to be sent to:
Doreen Huon at doreen [at] novotelsuva.com.fj (doreen[at]novotelsuva[dot]com[dot]fj)
Hotel receptionist phone - (679) 3362450 Fax - (679)3362455
Block booking can be made from February 2013. Any unused rooms will be released 30 days prior to conference dates unless the hotel receives written confirmation to hold rooms for another week or so. Internet access available for has a discount price of F$10 per room for 24 hours and will be added to room rate. Normal internet access price for 24 hours is F$29.95 if purchased at reception desk. Rates are valid until June 30, 2013.
Payment Methods
a. Credit card
b. Direct Deposit - once booking is made, a direct deposit can be made into Novotel Bank Account:
- Account Name: Pandey Investments Ltd T/A Novotel, Suva
- Account Number: 9632952
- Bank: ANZ
- Branch Address: Nadi
- BSB Number: 019-095
- Swiftcode: ANZBFJ FX
c. Cash upon Arrival (if guests do not arrive by 6pm, room will be released)