PPSEAWA USA Supports Survivors of Violence

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PPSEAWA USA upholds that Gender-Based Violence (GBV) - harm against women and girls - is a persistent and devastating human rights violations in our world today. Gender-based violence remains the most widespread and pervasive human rights violation worldwide affecting more than an estimated 1 in 3 women, according to the World Health Organization.

To raise awareness of GBV, PPSEAWA commemorates:

  • World Day Against Trafficking in Persons on July 30
  • 16 Days of Activism Against Gender-Based Violence, an United Nations campaign that kicks off on 25 November, the International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women, and runs until 10 December, Human Rights Day.

Domestic violence is a pattern of abusive behavior in any relationship that is used by one partner to gain or maintain power and control over another intimate partner. It can be physical, sexual, psychological, and financial. Violence can result in physical injuries, reproductive health challenges, and mental health conditions such as depression, drug and alcohol addiction, and suicide. It can cause harm to their children and even their communities, through loss of work and homelessness. Did you know that 21 – 55% of Asian women in the USA report experiencing intimate partner violence during their lifetime (CDC, 2015)?

Support for Survivors

PPSEAWA USA strives to ensure that all survivors of violence find the safety and support they need to take the next step to break free from abuse and exploitation. Local chapters support local shelters and services such as housing, legal aid, and financial literacy for survivors.

Chicago Chapter: YWCA Evanston/North Shore

Lack of affordable housing is a big obstacle for survivors. Since 2007, the Chicago Chapter has collected in-kind donations of gift cards for grocery, medical, and clothing needs of women and children, both in the emergency shelter and in Bridges (longer-term housing) operated by the YWCA Evanston/North Shore. Women who flee to the shelter are provided a private room for the family, and are given clothing, bed linens and personal supplies. Bridges residents live in a 15-unit apartment building which can accommodate up to 52 women and children. Services like workforce training, financial education, legal assistance, and trauma-informed counseling continue to enable survivors to secure the economic resources and longer-term supports to achieve stable and sustainable futures.

New York Chapter: Garden of Hope New York

Over 50 victims are murdered in domestic violence, and over 10,000 serious incidents of domestic violence crimes are reported each year in New York City. New York has the largest Chinese population of any city outside of Asia; however, due to the double obstacles of language and cultural barriers, migrant victims of domestic abuse often find it extremely difficult to find assistance and a way out of their situation.

Garden of Hope New York (GOHNY) was established in 2004 and specifically targets its services towards Chinese migrant women in the New York experiencing domestic violence, sexual assault, and human trafficking. Hope House became the first Chinese-language shelter in New York when it was opened in 2011. PPSEAWA’s association with GOHNY began in 2014 when we co-sponsored parallel events on the work of Asia-Pacific Shelters during the 58th Session of the Commission on the Status of Women. The New York Chapter continues to support GOHNY. The chapter held a webinar “Domestic Violence Stigma in Asia Community” on 7 October 2022, and donate funds to GOHNY.