Conference Attendance Awards

Applications for Conference Attendance Awards are open until 30 June 2024

The Conference Attendance Fund or CAF was established at the International Council Meeting in Kuala Lumpur in 2016, and awarded for the first time for the 2019 Conference in Taiwan. The purpose of the CAF is to award financial support for attendance at a PPSEAWA International Conference.

Conference Attendance Awards 2024

PPSEAWA International Council has awards that cover the registration fee and 4-nights of accommodation for four (4) PPSEAWA members to attend the 28th PPSEAWA International Conference from 29-31 October 2024 at the James Cook Hotel Grand Chancellor in Wellington, New Zealand.

Each recipient will receive an award that covers:

  • $250 conference registration fee
  • 4 nights in a “Terrace Room” at the James Cook Grand Chancellor Hotel with check-in on Monday, 28 October 2024 and check-out on Friday, 1 November 2024. There are two rooms. Each room will be shared with the other grant recipient. Each room has two double beds. Accommodation is at the conference venue, the James Cook Hotel, 147 The Terrace, Wellington, 6011 New Zealand (lift access via James Cook Arcade on Lambton Quay).

The funding for the award will not be given directly to the recipient; instead, the financial arrangements will be made by the PPSEAWA International Treasurer in coordination with the recipients.

PPSEAWA NMOs should note that the application will be filled out online by the applicant herself, but requires an additional letter of a support/recommendation from her NMO’s executive board. More than one applicant from a NMO can apply but only one award from any single NMO will be given to ensure regional balance.

Please see the details below for each award’s eligibility requirements.

*** The application process is open and will close on June 30, 2024***

Eligibility for the Awards

  • There are two (2) Conference Attendance Fund Awards for any PPSEAWA member who is a woman over age 34 years.
  • There are another two (2) Young Women’s Awards for any PPSEAWA member who is a woman between the ages of 18-34 years old.

Responsibility of Award Recipient

  • Timely submission of the online application for Conference Attendance Fund. A “Letter of Support/Recommendation” from her NMO’s Executive Board. Note: PDF files less than 2 MB are uploaded as part of online application form.
  • The recipient is responsible for her own travel and visa arrangements to New Zealand. PPSEAWA International will not make travel or visa arrangements, or pay for any expenses in connection with the participation of members in the sessions.
  • The recipient will be expected to send a one-page report after the conference on their conference experience to the International Council. This report and your photo may appear on the PPSEAWA website.

Application and Selection Process

  • Apply online
  • June 30 Deadline for online application and letter of support
  • July 1 Awards announced
  • October 28 Check into the Hotel (you will be met by International Council liaison in the hotel lobby)
  • October 29-31 Attend PPSEAWA 28th International Conference
  • November 1 Check out of the Hotel
  • November 30 Deadline for your report on your conference experience, 1-2 pages in length, to PPSEAWA International Council at secretary [at] (secretary[at]ppseawa[dot]org). Photos are most welcome. Excerpts may be included on the PPSEAWA website.