As of 31 October 2006, cash on hand is $6946.36. The conference fund has $1,736. The Scholarship/Education Fund has $6014.98. Due to discrepancies in the UN annual luncheon fund, it was agreed that one person will work with the New York chapter. Beginning next year, if a member cannot attend the luncheon after she/he has paid, then the check will be considered a PPSEAWA USA donation. We will ask Janet Nixon to manage the money. A discussion followed about raising the cost of the luncheon from $50 to $55.
Membership Committee
Norma Wells, chair
Total membership for PPSEAWA USA is 228 members.
Ann Norman reported that the brochure will be developed with the Pasadena organization. Maria Suzuki will coordinate this. The brochure will be ready for the International Conference.
Audit committee
Betty Landauer reported that we have too much money in our accounts.
USA nominations for International Council
PPSEAWA USA will nominate Teresa Hintzke for Vice President and Roseanne Levy for Treasurer.
A tabled motion was returned for discussion. Previously, a motion had been made that a candidate must be present at the meeting when running for an elected PPSEAWA USA office. The motion was voted on and failed.
New Business
The next Board meeting will be in March in Auckland, New Zealand. The Fall board and General meetings will be September 7th to coordinate with the DPI/NGO conference.