Indonesia Country Report

Release Date


Number of members : approximately 1335, they are of Himpunan Wanita Karya (HWK, the core organization of PPSEAWA Indonesia) policy council and board members in Jakarta and in the provinces.

1. In cooperation with KOWANI, the Indonesian Women’s Congress, PPSEAWA Indonesia executed a national program on the acceleration of illiteracy eradication which took place in the province of East Java.

2. Women empowerment. PPSEAWA Indonesia participated in:

  • the interactive discussion on women empowerment in the national development held by the Ministry of Women Empowerment.
  • The national coordination meeting of the Ministry of Women Empowerment and the Commission of the Protection for Children on gender and children mainstreaming in all fields of development.
  • Socializing the national law on general election which resolved legally the 30 % of women representation in the parliament.
  • Socializing the concept & strategy of self Sufficient women towards the equal and a just gender in a view of social and cultural aspects.

3. Health

  • PPSEAWA Indonesia performed a program on helping people whose children were in malnutrition condition
  • PPSEAWA Indonesia participated in a training to empower women in the effort of prevention, eradication of drug abuse and of the illicit trading cycle of drugs.
  • PPSEAWA Indonesia constantly motivated the initiatives to taking care of the elderly conducted in the provinces.

4. Environment

  • PPSEAWA Indonesia in the provinces participated in the national program on Plant and grow 100 million trees in comply with the endeavor to reduce the global warming.

5. International events.

  • Some members of PPSEAWA Indonesia participated in the Asia Pacific Regional Council II of the International Council of Womenwhich was hosted by KOWANI, the Indonesian women’s congress.
  • HWK / PPSEAWA Indonesia in West Sumatera province held an International youth conference, cultural exchange and camp-which was attended by student participants from 22 countries.
  • There were 4 members of PPSEAWA Indonesia who attended the PPSEAWA International Midterm Council Meeting held in Hawaii
  • With regard to the 24th PPSEAWA International Conference which will be held in Bali - Indonesia, Datin Rahmah as the Conference Program Chairperson and Prof. Fatimah from PPSEAWA Malaysia came to see PPSEAWA Indonesia to discuss the planning of the next Conference.

6. In honor of the guests from the Ministry of Trade of Malaysia who came from Sabah Serawak, PPSEAWA Indonesia performed a batik exhibition.

7. Some PPSEAWA members attended a meeting held by the Legion of Veteran of the Republic of Indonesia on socializing the international day of peace.