Calling on Young Women to attend the UN DPI/NGO Conference

Release Date

**Calling on Young Women (18-24 years) from Sydney and Canberra**

To join the Pan Pacific South East Asia Women’s Association (PPSEAWA) delegation at the UN DPI/NGO Conference in Melbourne, 30 August – 1 September 2010

The Pan Pacific South East Asia Women’s Association (PPSEAWA) is seeking 2 young women to join its delegation at the upcoming 63rd Annual United Nations Department of Public Information Non Governmental Organisations Conference in Melbourne.

The United Nations DPI/NGO Conference is the premier civil society event at the United Nations. Each year it brings together hundreds of representatives from non governmental organisations from around the world to focus on a topic of interest to the civil society sector and the United Nations. With “Advance Global Health: Achieve the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs)“ as its theme it will be the first time that the UN DPI/NGO Conference is held in Australia. As part of the Conference programme, a series of events will be organised for young people, providing them with the opportunity to reach out to their peers and learn about issues relating to global health, the MDGs and human rights.

For further details on the UN DPI/NGO Conference, visit


Established in 1928, PPSEAWA is an international women’s organisation devoted to peace and understanding in the Asia-Pacific region. Being the region’s oldest women’s organisation focusing on peace, it has a long history of advocating and lobbing for the rights of women, children and Indigenous people. Having a Consultative II Status with the United Nations Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC), PPSEAWA is actively involved in matters at the international level, whilst advocating alongside other women’s organisations at the regional and national levels.

PPSEAWA has 23 member organisations: Hawaii, United States, South Korea, Japan, Taiwan, Philippines, Thailand, Malaysia, Singapore, India, Sri Lanka, Pakistan, Indonesia, Papua New Guinea, Fiji, Tonga, New Zealand, Cook Islands, Niue, American Samoa, Samoa, Australia and Vladivostok (Russia).

The International Council of PPSEAWA appointed 3 Youth Ambassadors at its Mid-Term Council Meeting in 2008. The Youth Ambassadors are responsible for the implementation of the PPSEAWA Plan of Action on Youth. One of the key objectives of the Plan is to recruit and retain young women into the organisation. We hope that you can join PPSEAWA and help us promote peace and understanding among nations, communities and young people in our region. For more information, please visit our website or send an email to PPSEAWA young women at

What we are offering and our expectations

There are 2 spaces reserved within the PPSEAWA delegation to the UN DPI/NGO Conference for young women (18-24 years). Should you be selected, we will expect that you will be able to:

  • Participate for the full duration of the UN DPI Conference
  • Cover the gap in costs (should funds from PPSEAWA not be sufficient) associated with your attendance at the Conference, and organise your own travel, accommodation and meals
  • Attend pre- and post-conference meetings of PPSEAWA in Sydney/Canberra (depending on where you live)
  • Become a full fee-paying member of PPSEAWA for at least 2 years (with your first year of membership fee waived. The annual membership fee is AUD$30 as at 1 July 2010)
  • Provide an oral and/or written report at a PPSEAWA chapter meeting after the Conference AND provide a written report to the PPSEAWA International Council

In return for your time and participation, we will offer:

  • Up to AUD $200.00 towards your travel and accommodation expenses (you will need to show invoices and/or proof of purchase)
  • Your conference registration
  • Your first year of PPSEAWA membership including your membership in the PPSEAWA young women’s group
  • The publication of your conference report on the PPSEAWA website and related publications
  • Friendship, knowledge and support of PPSEAWA women

About You

To be considered for a place in the PPSEAWA delegation, you will be:

  • Between 18 and 24 years of age (on the 1st of September 2010)
  • Living in Sydney or Canberra, with the ability to attend pre- and post-conference meetings
  • From a medical, health and/or women’s rights related background (work and/or study)
  • Committed to PPSEAWA’s objectives of building peace and cooperation in the Asia-Pacific region
  • Passionate about women’s rights, peace and youth participation

If you meet the above criteria, please send a copy of your CV and a written response (in no more than 2 pages) to the questions below by Monday 12 July at 12 pm (EST). Late applications will not be accepted.

Please note: as a minimum requirement, your CV should contain your full name, date of birth, contact details, qualification, work experience and 2 referees

All responses should be emailed to Kate Morioka, PPSEAWA Youth Ambassador at

Application Questions

  1. Why do you think the UN DPI/NGO Conference theme “Advance Global Health: Achieve the MDGs” is important to PPSEAWA and its member countries?
  2. What contribution do you think you can make to the PPSEAWA delegation attending the Conference?
  3. How will you ensure that the issues raised at the Conference will be communicated to other PPSEAWA members?