PEACE - found within one self, is Peace found in the presence of LOVE
2020 brings uncertainty and challenges to all of us, not only in New Zealand, but all around the world. We are put to test on how to manage the COVID-19 pandemic as peace makers. It comes to mind, how can I overcome this situation? I put my PPSEAWA crown on, and here, we strive for peace!
National lockdown occurred in New Zealand due to the coronavirus pandemic. Restrictions imposed on public gatherings, closure of schools, churches, businesses, except essential service providers, took its toll on people’s lives, sports and organisations including, PPSEAWA, the impact caused by the total lockdown. Unfortunately, we were unable to achieve what we had planned for this year.
We did manage a few projects to commemorate the Day of Peace in August and September.
We created a PPSEAWA Peace Buddy system within our Auckland Area Group in August. Each pair was asked to create an act, an item or a project based on the theme of “Diversity”. Peace buddies Amarjit Walia and Mary Fraser visited the Three Kings School, and asked year 7 pupils to write stories about what they did during NZ’s COVID-19 lockdown in March 2020.
We also ran a writing competition for children attending the PIPC Church (Pacific Islands Presbyterian Church) in Newton. The topic also was “Love and Peace” during the March lockdown. So many people lost their jobs, some with reduced income, and lots of children with limited or no internet access during this time. A year-7 girl won the competition with her picture and a cash prize of $200.
On September 21st, we visited Family Life International and donated baby clothes, baby blankets, and other items. We met with Michelle Kaufman, who runs the home to provide housing and support for young mothers and their babies. Many PPSEAWA members at Ranfurly Retirement Village knitted baby blankets, booties, hats etc. for donation. After our visit to FLI, we went to Wahine Toa Park for a moment of peace with nature. We also checked on the growth of our Japanese maple tree, which we planted last year.
Therefore, I present this report in the hope, that, we can all share our experiences during the Coronavirus pandemic lockdowns in our PPSEAWA chapter countries: our thoughts, our prayers and hope for peace amongst our families, friends, our communities, our countries, and our world. Peace be with you all.
May the power of PEACE over-shadow the wickedness of the world, and through our efforts, as PPSEAWA members, united together and contribute by our endorsement and promoting of Peace, Love, and Friendship.