In order to have more personal contact with and create better cohesiveness among the National Chapters of PPSEAWA International, as the International President 2010-2013, I have embarked on fulfilling this concept.
The first visit was in February 2011 to PPSEAWA’s founding chapter of Hawaii, where I was able to visit a center which PPSEAWA Hawaii supports. It is the Susanna Wesley Center whose mission involves counseling, outreach and other services to highrisk youth and their families. The Center also gives assistance to immigrants and refugees in adjusting to their new life in Hawaii.
In addition, the center agreed to store our PPSEAWA Hawaii archives, which are being digitized by Darlene Richardson.
In March 2011, I set out on a two week trip to visit some of our Asian chapters. Japan was to be my first stop but because of the disastrous earthquake I had to postpone my stop there until sometime in the near future. I proceeded to Bangkok, Kuala Lumpur, Jakarta and Seoul. All of these PPSEAWA chapters extended their gracious hospitality and had scheduled programs in place for my two-day visits to each.