October 7-9, 2011, Taipei, Taiwan ROC
The PPPSEAWA International Mid-term Council meeting was held at the Chientan Youth Activity Center in Taipei, Taiwan. The meeting was hosted by PPSEAWA Taiwan ROC under the leadership of its National President, Sophia Ling. Our host, PPSEAWA Taiwan ROC, is one of PPSEAWA’s founding members and sent delegates to the 1st International Conference, held in Hawaii in 1928. However, this was the first time that PPSEAWA Taiwan ROC has hosted a PPSEAWA International meeting.
The Midterm meeting and Workshop was organized by PPSEAWA Taiwan ROC with the assistance and support of Dr. Cecilia Y.Koo and the National Women’s League of the ROC.
The PPSEAWA International Council meeting was chaired by PPSEAWA International President, Teresa A. Hintzke, and was attended by Council members from Australia, Fiji, Indonesia, Japan, Korea, Malaysia, New Zealand, Taiwan ROC, Thailand, and USA.
The aim of the Workshop was to create a platform for interaction among PPSEAWA members from the Pan-Pacific and South East Asia areas. The workshop was attended by 257 members. PPSEAWA National Chapters represented were Fiji, Taiwan, Malaysia, Japan, India, New Zealand, USA and Hawaii.