Continuing in my aim to make personal contact with PPSEAWA National organizations,Taina Woodward, International Secretary, and I went to Fiji in April. We were welcomed by Fiji National President Neomai Katonivualiku and Ravesi Johnston, PPSEAWA International 1st Vice President, who is also the Chairperson for the PPSEAWA 2013 International Conference, to be held in Fiji. We were able to inspect the Novotel Hotel, which is to be the main accommodation facility for the delegates, as well as two other hotels that are to be alternate accommodations. In addition we were able to view the proposed venue for the Conference itself, which is in a lovely tropical garden setting with all the amenities that will be needed to conduct the meetings.
After spending a few days working with the PPSEAWA Fiji President and the Executive Committee on the Program for the Conference, as well as being hosted by PPSEAWA Fiji members, I departed for New Zealand.