The Commission on the Status of Women (CSW) is the principal global intergovernmental body exclusively dedicated to the promotion of gender equality and the empowerment of women. Representatives of Member States, UN entities, and UN-accredited non-governmental organizations (NGOs) from all regions of the world, such as PPSEAWA International, attended the session.
The 62nd Session of the Commission on the Status of Women (CSW62) took place at the United Nations headquarters in New York from March 12-23, 2018. The priority theme was “Challenges and opportunities in achieving gender equality and the empowerment of rural women and girls.” The review theme was “Participation in and access of women to the media, and information and communications technologies and their impact on and use as an instrument for the advancement and empowerment of women.”
PPSEAWA was the co-sponsor on six events during CSW62:
1. March 12, 2018
Topic: Women Political & Business Leaders - Achieving Economic Solvency with Rural Women
Venue: EX-PRESS Room, 3rd Floor, General Assembly Building, United Nations Headquarters
- Senator Marilou McPhedran - Canada, Parliament)
- Hon. Mereseini Vuniwaqa - Fiji, Minister of Women, Children and Poverty Alleviation
- Ms. Kristiina Luht - Estonia, Advisor, Equality Policies Department, Ministry of Social Affairs
- Ms. Maria Soledad Berrios - Chile, Director of Programs and Regional Management Fundacion PRODEMU/ Promotion and Development of Women
Moderator: Rosalee Keech - Chief Observer to the United Nations, League of Women Voters of the United States
Organizers: Permanent Missions of Fiji, Estonia, Chile and Republic of Albania
Co-sponsors: FAWCO, PPSEAWA International, League of Women Voters, International Council of Jewish Women, Business Professional Women’s Foundation (BPW)
2. March 13, 2018
Topic: Education for Sustainable Development- A Tool to Empower Rural Women and Girls.
Venue: 4 West 43rdStreet, Gallery
- Lily Gray - Liaison Officer, UNESCO New York Office
- Akari Yamada - President, PPSEAWA USA
- Emilie McGlone - Director, Peace Boat US, New York Office
- Saionara König-Reis - Representative to the UN and Head of New York Office, Dianova International
Moderator: Liberato Bautista - President, CoNGO (Conference of Non-Government Organizations)
Organizer: Dianova International
Co-sponsors: PPSEAWA USA,Church and Society of The United Methodist Church, Peace Boat USA, Medical Mission Sisters, Dialogue Institute of the Southwest
3. March 14, 2018
Topic: Technology as a Tool to Prevent Trafficking in Women and Girls.
Venue: Salvation Army Auditorium, 221 East 52ndStreet.
- Laura Ednin (Brooklyn District Attorney Human Trafficking Unit)
- Sara Gardner (THORN)
- Akiba Saeedi (IBM)
- Staca Shehan (National Center for Missing and Exploited Children)
Moderator: Lauren Hersh (World Without Exploitation)
Organizer: NGO Committee to Stop Trafficking in Persons.
Co-sponsors: PPSEAWA International Carmelite NGO, Coalition against Trafficking of Women, Congregation of the Mission, Dominican Leadership Conference, ECPAT-USA, Edmund Rice International, Institute of the Blessed Virgin Mary- Loreto Generatate, International Council of Jewish Women, League of Women Voters, Lifeway Network, Inc., National Council of Jewish Women, Our Global Legacy, Religious of the Sacred Heart of Mary, Salesian Missions, The Salvation Army, School Sisters of Notre Dame, Sisters of Charity Federation, Sisters of Mercy, Sisters of Notre Dame de Namur, Society of the Sacred Heart, Soroptimist International, UNANIMA, Ursuline Sisters, Virginia Gildersleeve International Fund, Women Graduates-USA, Zonta International
4. March 14, 2018
Topic: Advancing Women’s Health and Well-Being Using Information and Communication Technologies.
Venue: United Nations Headquarters, Conference Room A
Introductory Remarks & Country Perspectives:
- H.E. Mr. Courtenay Rattray - Ambassador and Permanent Representative, Permanent Mission of Jamaica to the United Nations
- H. E. Mr. Virachai Plasai - Ambassador and Permanent Representative, Permanent Mission of Thailand to the United Nations
- Dr. Nata Menabde - Executive Director, WHO Office at the United Nations, World Health Organization UN (WHO/UN), New York
- Dr. Gita Mishra - Director, Australian Longitudinal Study on Women’s Health , Head, Epidemiology and Biostatistics Division, Deputy Head, School of Public Health, The University of Queensland
- Sean Southey, CEO PCI Media Impact
Moderator: Dr. Elizabeth Carll - UN Representative, International Council of Women; Convener, Global Mental Health and NCDs Work Group & Former Chair, UN NGO Comm. on Mental Health; President CCCUN
Organizer: WHO – World Health Organization
Co-sponsors: Permanent Mission of Jamaica to the United Nations; Permanent Mission of Thailand to the United Nations; WHO Office at the United Nations, New York; International Council of Women (ICW-CIF); Communications Coordination Committee for the United Nations (CCCUN); NGO Committee on Mental Health (CMH); World Federation of Ukrainian Women; Pan Pacific and South East Asia Women’s Association (PPSEAWA Thailand)
5. March 15, 2018
Topic: Five Countries’ Gender Equality & Sustainable Environment Projects to Empower Rural Women and Girls
Venue: Armenian Convention Center, Vartan Hall, 630 2ndAvenue
- Jenny Yang, PPSEAWA Canada
- Ms. Chieko Serizawa, PPSEAWA Japan
- Susan Iwamura and Beryl Vincent, PPSEAWA New Zealand
- Datin Dr. Munirah, PPSEAWA Malaysia - Sarawak Chapter
- Helen Yang, PPSEAWA Taiwan and PPSEAWA International PDC Chairperson
Moderator: Mondhiya Bhangsbha, First Vice President of PPSEAWA International
Organizer: PPSEAWA International Programme Development Committee (PDC)
6. March 16, 2018
Topic: The Role of Education To Achieve Gender Equality Among Refugee Women in The United States.
Venue: 4 West 43rd Street (Gallery)
Organizer: Dialogue Institute of the Southwest
Co-sponsors: PPSEAWA International, Dianova International, Church and Society of The United Methodist Church